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(1 edit) (+2)

This should be in a museum.

It's pure art.

i love it.


(recordé que también hablan español muy tarde jajaj)


All of the games I've played so far that you've made feel so unique and like something I just "get" compared to a lot of other things I see. Looking forward to what else you make.


Took my awhile to find the time to comment...But this game is beautiful. It's so visceral and raw, for lack of better terms. It comes from a place of angst and perhaps depression but you can feel every beat of soul put into it. And that's fine, in many ways though it come from a place that's dark does not mean it's not without merit in terms of art. I applaud you for sharing it with the world, rather than letting die on some hard drive...I've never really liked the idea of Lost Media. Especially in this digital age, but here you are...Releasing a game that no one besides maybe some close confidences would know about. It's legitimately inspiring, at least to me. 

Now for the game itself...It's all in the details, how both sides cry when one loses a life or just is 'losing'. But also how after you 'win' your just left stabbing the other rabbit/bunny in the back for all of time until you inevitably close the program. But there's something I only noticed on accident when I had to leave my laptop, when I returned...The game was finished, the health bars were gone and I could no longer cause any input into the world that is the game. Instead, the two bunnies/rabbits were hugging...Content with each other. That discover, just emphasizes the nature of this game...So simple, yet effective.

Deleted 69 days ago

Wow!!! Wasn't expecting a reply from you but it's good to hear that my words found happy ears, honestly? Maybe someday you can explain more of the story behind this work, when or if it ever becomes comfortable. Like, that graphing rough sketch that in the background of this game page is really fascinating.

I've always been a sucker for draft or beta info or leftover bits and bobs, especially when it's quite the aesthetic such as this. It's rough & raw nature captivates me in a way I have trouble describing. But it's also a fascinating look into something born of the dark yet used in a way that's constructive.

I hope I'm making sense as a prattle along, it's a little late for me and I'm admittedly a little nervous talking to a game's creator like this.

(13 edits) (+1)

eh, it's not that there's a singular story and then I made this about it. It's not about a dramatic breakup or a big personal fight I had.  

I'd say its more about trying to convey a series of feelings from stuff in my life into something you can interact with. not all of them are bad tho: some of those pictures are from cool moments with friends or chill evenings looking from my room's window. you can also get the bunnies to hug as you have seen. its just me trying to build a vibe from different feelings that come from personal events. there's also some delusions of game design in there that I won't explain haha.

not a very precise answer but I think things like this lose most of their charm if they get explained step by step anyways because there was never a big thing to build from in the beginning. you might have a strained relationship with a familiar or a friendship that faded out or unwillingly hurt someone you care about but it's not that much of a big deal because either you still talk to these people every now and then or everyone just moved on without much of a dramatic farewell.

those drawings in the background I made them in my notebook one day that I was taking notes thinking about a pathfinding algorithm for a game, back in my freelance days! I was very nervous back then because it was my first "serious" job that seemed to be getting somewhere. and it got! the future looked so bright haha.


Fair enough, and understandable that there wasn't anything specific...Just something raw based upon general emotions and feelings at a given point. That's honestly sometimes how I end up being the most productive whenever I bother to write something, been writing private stories and some attempts at stuff like Fanfics when I'm at my most emotionally torrid. But I suppose the main reason I was curious was if you had any surviving version of those initial rough drawings, like I said I'm always a sucker for rediscovered or revealed media. Whether lost or never revealed in the first place so nobody knew about it, especially rough drafts or concept art.

There's just...Something about physical art, or very early beta/alpha designs, that just...Grab me, for lack of better term. The Art that is the video game medium at it's most raw and conceptual. Sorry if I'm not the most articulate right now, currently getting cooked by my local weather.


i love this. i love the details, the way you both cry when one of you loses a life, the way your just stuck stabbing the other after you win, with nothing else to do, i love the background visuals, and the glitching, and the stars, and my gosh, this evokes such an emotion, one of wonder and sorrow, i love this <3

(1 edit) (-4)

what are the controls?

ok figured it out stabbed that blue rabbit 

ez win 





Yeah its as angsty and edgy and probably came from not a great place like the description makes it seem.
But it's still beautiful and managed to induce me with sadness which makes me glad you shared it cause its a  pretty powerful game